We are Makin’ Waves… (with our new financial planning blog)


Ship at Sail

We the People of Shakespeare Wealth Management, in Order to form a more perfect Union (with our clients), establish Justice, insure financial Tranquility, provide for the common defence (against inflation, deflation, taxation, and the rising cost of education) promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this New Blog!

As you know, we meet in person or via phone on a regular schedule to update each other on your specific situation. What you may not know is that in between those meetings we are working hard every day to improve your financial situation. We’d like to fill you in on a little of the learning and planning that we do here in our office, as we look out over Pewaukee Lake.

The name of our Blog is View from the Lake - Planning Your Best Financial Life, which we hope is an extension of how you feel when you are here. We'll talk about traditional financial planning topics and update you on things happening here at Shakespeare.

Since we know all of you're extremely busy, it's our goal to only take a minute or two of your time. But if any of these topics trigger planning for your particular situation, we hope you’ll be in touch. As always, we welcome your comments, questions, and ideas for topics. The first edition of View From the Lake is coming soon.




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