Serving High-Net-Worth Clients Since 1999
Hear from a few of our clients about why they found Shakespeare Wealth Management to be the right fit for them:
Tom & Cam: Choosing a Fee-Only Advisor
Tom & Pat: Retirement Planning for Business Owners
Peggy: Comprehensive Financial Planning
Testimonials are based on unique experiences from current clients (or private fund investor) and are not representative of all client experiences. Testimonials are unsolicited, and no cash or non-cash compensation is provided. Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal and fluctuation of value. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Additional information about Shakespeare Wealth Management, LLC is available in its current disclosure documents, Form ADV, Form ADV Part 2A Brochure, and Client Relationship Summary report which are accessible online via the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure (IAPD) database at, using SEC # 801-92171.
Letter from a Shakespeare Client:
"After reading Andrea Bulen’s blog post, Why Do I Need a Financial Advisor?, a message to those considering a relationship with a financial planner, has prompted memories of my fifteen-year journey with Shakespeare.
I clearly remember my initial conversation with Kevin. We met in his modest office off Sunnyslope Road in Brookfield. I had been referred by a close friend, who actually did this same work. I had asked this friend to refer me to someone like him, that I could trust. I didn’t want the emotional complications of money to invade our friendship.
I came away from this first meeting with Kevin confident that he not only would take care of my money but that he would take care of me. I was 65 years old at this time. (This reveals my current age to the thoughtful reader). Using the “sandwich generation” paradigm, I saw myself then as the meat between two slices of bread. My mother was in the final stage of dementia. My husband, who had been Superintendent of New Berlin Schools had suffered a stroke. This man who had kept meticulous records and managed impressive budgets now could neither add nor subtract. I did not, honestly, see myself as incompetent. I expected I could get some advice and forge ahead. But it would be hard to find words to describe the weight that was lifted from my shoulders when I learned the role Shakespeare could play in my story.
My primary advisor has been Andrea Bulen, CFP®. Over these years she has held my hand as I have transitioned from the meat in the sandwich to the bottom slice of bread. That in itself is a journey. When economic “news” delivers fear to my door, Andrea reminds me that Shakespeare has anticipated these changes and we have a plan in place. When my POA for Healthcare and the Executor of my Will needs an update, Andrea is there to guide me. She knows my family, my friends, and my spiritual convictions. Together we meet with an attorney and draft a document that reflects who I am. When I am shocked at the price of tooth- paste, Andrea reminds me that I don’t need to cut the empty tube open in order to scrape the inside for one more brushing. She encourages me to follow my dreams, being excited with me as I share travel plans for anther adventure.
I am grateful for Andrea’s blog post. I would encourage you to read it and read it again. Know that she is not speaking hypothetically but rather describing the reality that I have lived. We will all, if we are blessed with longevity, move from the top slice of bread to the meat and then to the bottom slice. God has promised in His word that He will replace the lonely in a family. I thank Our Lord Jesus Christ that Shakespeare is family to me!"
- Roselyn
A survey was sent to our clients for feedback regarding the Shakespeare team and services. Read their personal experience from their quotes below:
We asked clients to describe a typical meeting with their advisor:
"Very professional, informative, comfortable, and friendly. Extremely pleased with each meeting. Any financial questions are always answered in an easy to understand manner. There is always a relaxed atmosphere." – Joan
"The meetings are very organized, easy to understand and allow for plenty of questions or conversation." – Deb
"Well planned, comprehensive review of my current situation, my future plans, outside influences on my financial resources and how to best handle my finances to meet my personal goals and vision." – Thomas
"Very thorough, questions are always answered, we know where we are and where we are going. A plan is in place, a confidence that our over all needs (not just financial) are being taken care of. We have the opportunity to do 'what if' scenarios for planning and creating peace of mind on potential issues." – Tom
"They always make time to hear concerns and are well prepared." – John
Here are the most common words used to answer this question. The larger the word, the more times this word was used in our clients' answers:

We asked clients to describe their relationship with their Shakespeare advisor. Here are the most common words used:

We asked, "If someone would ask you about your financial advisor or Shakespeare Wealth Management, what would you say?":
"The advisors at Shakespeare are sharp and honest, good communicators, supportive of us, personally, and of our community. I have confidence that they are always working and advising in our best interest." – Pat
"They think about details we would have missed. Plus, we find value that multiple family members are clients. Although Shakespeare won't share other family member's information, they can see the larger family picture and advise accordingly." – Patti
"Trust is the most important thing. You need to completely trust your advisor. We are with Shakespeare because we trust them with our future. If we didn’t trust them we would find a different advisor." – Dan & Judy
"Based on my experience, I am glad we are with Shakespeare as I did not have the knowledge and expertise to manage our financial situation without the support provided. It is a relief to know that someone is looking out for our best interests." – Pat
"Focused on the client, well trained, warm person-to-person skills, always encouraging." - Robert
We asked clients to tell us about financial scenarios that their Shakespeare advisor helped them through:
"We really appreciate how tax implications are always taken into consideration as we plan for the future." – Julie
"Managing withdrawals to balance financial requirements, tax liabilities and Medicare cost impacts as well as advice on impact of potential Roth conversions." – Thomas
"As newly retired but not old enough for Medicare, we are navigating many new things and have relied on Shakespeare to hold our hands or just as a sparring partner as we work through the details and weigh the consequences of decisions we might make. Tax strategy, health care and relocation were some of the big topics this year." – Patti
"QCDs, RMDs and long-term financial planning." – Bill
"Help setup the funding of the grandchildren's EdVest education accounts." – William
We asked what value is seen in Shakespeare's technology, including the financial planning website we provide to all clients:
"Access to my financial information at any time is reassuring. Seeing the whole financial picture helps my husband and me stick to our budget while keeping our financial goals in sight." – Pat
"It provides in one location all our information (financial, trusts, tax, insurance, etc.). Provides peace of mind that if something happens to us, our children will have everything they need in one location. It is easy to use and has excellent analytical tools." – Tom
"Gives us confidence to be able to have info at our fingertips. Easy to navigate." – Cheryl
Testimonials are based on unique experiences from current clients (or private fund investor) and are not representative of all client experiences. Testimonials are unsolicited, and no cash or non-cash compensation is provided. Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal and fluctuation of value. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Additional information about Shakespeare Wealth Management, LLC is available in its current disclosure documents, Form ADV, Form ADV Part 2A Brochure, and Client Relationship Summary report which are accessible online via the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure (IAPD) database at, using SEC # 801-92171.
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Shakespeare Wealth Management, LLC
N22 W27847 Edgewater Drive
Suite 101
Pewaukee, WI 53072-5260